Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi
Te Tiriti o Waitangi was first signed on 6 February 1840. Since its signing it has had an interesting history in the way it has been interpreted and applied. For us here at Western Bay of Plenty District Council Te Tiriti o Waitangi is something that influences our work in many ways.
Importantly, Council has committed to growing authentic Te Tiriti based relationships as one of its strategic priorities. The resources on this page, together with training sessions on Te Tiriti o Waitangi are aimed to support your contribution to this commitment in the work that you do for Council.
The Collision of two worlds: Law and Lore
Tā Justice Joe Williams is a Judge of the New Zealand Supreme Court and an expert in Māori jurisprudence. In this video, Tā Justice Williams spoke to attendees of the annual Resource Management Lawyers Association conference about the relationship between tikanga Māori (Lore) and the Law in Aotearoa New Zealand. His kōrero is particularly relevant to our work in Local Government in trying to navigate the collision that we experience between these two worldviews and frameworks. -
Treaty Principles Bill
This kōrero was delivered by the Kaupapa Māori team to provide some context and generate some discussion around the Bill that is before government (Dec 2024).