Te Haumi

Te Haumi is the name of the Kaupapa Māori team at Western Bay of Plenty District Council. The team exists to help our organisation be great Te Tiriti partners. We're here to support iwi and hapū realise their aspirations and to give staff guidance and tools for working well with Tangata Whenua.

This mahi is reflected in our name. The Haumi were used to bind together parts of a waka to give them strength to journey the oceans.  In our karakia and tauparapara the phrase "haumi e, hui e, taiki e" reflects this binding process by bringing completion to a kaupapa and joining us in kotahitanga.

Our team's whakatauki (proverb) is "Hei amorangi ki roto, hei hāpai ō ki waho" which speaks to providing expert advice and support to our colleagues, while being of service to our Tangata Whenua communities. Read a bit more about us below...



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Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Māori - Strategic Kaupapa Māori Manager

Chris Nepia

Tū ana au ki runga o Mauao ka tiro whakararo ki Te Awaiti, ki reira i tau mai tōku waka a Takitimu, ki reira anō ko te toka a Tirikawa, ka ngaro, ka ea, ka ngaro, ka ea te toka a Tirikawa, tihei mauri ora.

He uri tēnei o Tauranga Moana whānui, anō hoki o Ngāi Tuhoe, o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, o Ngāti Raukawa.

I started here at Western Bay in the rates team as the Māori Land Officer back in 2010 after working as a Solicitor for 4 years. In 2014 I moved into the kaupapa Māori space and worked for seven years as the Māori Relationships and Engagement Advisor before being given the opportunity to lead an expanded kaupapa Māori team in 2021.  It's a privilege to work alongside colleagues here at Council as well as iwi and hapū in our district to deliver on our commitment to be great Te Tiriti partners.  The return of Panepane to the five hapū of Matakana Island and the establishment of a Māori ward are highlights of my time here.

I'm here to support you, if your mahi involves -

  • An infrastructure project with a budget of more than $1 million, or is strategically significant
  • The disposal of strategic assets, particularly Council owned land
  • Development of a policy to provide for Māori representation in Council.

If you need any cultural support or advice, come have a talk to me.

Email: chris.nepia@westernbay.govt.nz 

Phone: 027 203 0867


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Kaimahere Matua - Senior Kaupapa Māori Planner

Corey Gaunt

Ko Corey Gaunt tōku ingoa. Ko Stevens tōku ingoa whānau. He uri ahau nō Ngapuhi me Ngāti Whakaue hoki.  

Born and raised in Rotorua, I still live there with my husband Matt, daughter Riley, and our dog Finnley. I have been with Council since April 2017. Starting in the Māori land officer role straight out of university before moving into the Strategic Property team until I joined Te Haumi at the end of 2021. 

My mahi is mainly in the policy and planning space including supporting plan changes, policy development/review and submissions on legislation or policy. Come and talk to me about: 

  • Iwi and hapū management plan implementation
  • District Plan Reviews
  • Long Term Plan Reviews
  • Annual Plan Reviews

Email: corey.gaunt@westernbay.govt.nz

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Kaiārahi Mahere - Kaupapa Māori Planner

Chaquan Nepia

He uri ahau nō ngā iwi e toru o te Moana o Tauranga, arā, ko Ngāti Ranginui, ko Ngāti Pūkenga, ko Ngāi te Rangi.

I have worked as a Kaupapa Māori Planner in the team since November 2023, working in various capacities to help deliver on Council's framework for Kaupapa Māori. My mahi is really meaningful because I get to work in a way that not only serves the organisation but mana whenua within the Western Bay of Plenty as well.

I can help you with:

  • Any strategic or corporate plans, policies, or procedures needing a kaupapa Māori lens
  • Supporting Hapū Iwi Management Plans, Marae Sustainability Initiative Funding and Council partnership forums
  • Planning and engagement advice on kaupapa Māori issues

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rouou, ka ora ai te iwi

Email: chaquan.nepia@westernbay.govt.nz 

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Āpiha Whenua Māori 

Julie Waaka

Kia ora rā. He uri ahau o Ngai te Rangi me Ngāti Whakaue, ko Ngāi Tamawhariua me Ngararanui ōku hapū.  Ko Julie Waaka ahau.  When I was a young Wahine I moved to Tauranga Moana with my Kuia, met my husband, a descendant of Ngāti Ranginui several years later, and together we have raised our whānau here in the beautiful Bay of Plenty.

In 2019 I completed my legal studies and worked as a lawyer for a boutique law firm before joining Council in 2023.

In the Āpiha Whenua Māori role, I specialise in rating on Whenua Māori and Papakāinga development. There have been significant legislative changes to the way whenua Māori is rated, subsequently, Council have developed new policies to reflect those changes. Every query is unique to its circumstances, it is the role of the Āpiha Whenua Māori to provide Tangata Whenua with information and guidance that meets their needs.  Come and talk to me about rates issues on Māori land and development of Māori land.

Email: julie.waaka@westernbay.govt.nz 

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Kaihōnonga Matua - Senior Kaupapa Māori Engagement Specialist

Gavin Smith

Ka puta mai te tahi onepu o te Tai Rawhiti.

E rewarewa ana ahau tetahi kota o Rua.

Ka tū mai tetahi whānagai ahau o Tauranga Moana

I have been proactively advocating for and promoting the Treaty Partnership for nearly 25 years.  I spent close to 15 years working in Māori health gaining skills in Public Heath promotion, Youth work, social work and studying Bi Cultural Social practice.

Before taking on my role in Council I was the Iwi Engagement Ranger for the Department of Conservation in the Tauranga District for 9 years. I was responsible for maintaining and building relationships with Iwi and Hapū across Tauranga Moana and the Western Bay, another responsibility was keeping abreast of Treaty Settlements and ensuring the Tauranga operations team was following their treaty settlement commitments and giving effect to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

I am keen to share knowledge, raise the cultural comfort and capacity internally, and strengthen Council's understanding of the Treaty Partnership.  I am kaupapa driven and have an unwavering loyalty to the Iwi and Hapū of Tauranga Moana.

Email: gavin.smith@westernbay.govt.nz 

Phone: 027 217 4504

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Kaihōnonga Matua - Senior Kaupapa Māori Engagement Specialist

Mokoera Te Amo

I tupu ake ahau ki waenganui i ngā maunga tapu o Rangiuru, o Ōtawa.  E whakapapa ana ahau ki ngā iwi, ki ngā hapū katoa o Te Arawa.  He Uri o Hau hoki ahau ki te kerewhanga o Kaipara.

After several pursuits within te ao Māori, I landed a great career teaching Te Reo Māori.  However, I started at Western Bay late 2024 with a whirlwind of a day. I wish to help build capacity internally, more importantly though, I wish to help raise the aspirations of my people and the environment.

With the support of our great team, Te Haumi, I can help with Tangata Whenua connections.  Let's work together and thrive.

Email: mokoera.teamo@westernbay.govt.nz

Phone: 027 234 1925

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Kaiārahi Hōnonga - Kaupapa Māori Engagement Specialist

Ben Urbanc

He uri nō Ngāti Taka, Te Pirirākau

I came to Western Bay with a background in Civil Construction & Engineering and a passion for the natural environment and our relationship with it.  My four years at Council have been spread across Water Services and Kaupapa Māori - 2 years each.

Together with Gavin and Mokoera, I assist engagement with Tangata Whenua.  Please connect with me if you need to engage with Tangata Whenua within the Takitimu area.

Email: ben.urbanc@westernbay.govt.nz 

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"Hei amorangi ki roto, hei hāpai ō ki waho"

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