Tangata Whenua Forums
Council has two Tangata Whenua Forums - Te Kāhui Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana and Te Ihu o te Waka o Te Arawa. These forums are a place for iwi and hapū representatives, together with Councillors and the Mayor, to meet and discuss issues that are important to them. The forums are also an opportunity for Council staff to discuss kaupapa we are working on that are relevant to Tangata Whenua across our district. More about the two forums and what they do can be found here -
Te Kāhui Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana a forum with iwi and hapū of Tauranga Moana, from the Wairoa River, the Kaimai Ranges through to Waihi Beach.
Te Ihu o te Waka o Te Arawa a forum with iwi and hapū of Te Arawa ki Tai, from the Pāpāmoa Hills through to Otamarakau.
For copies of previous agendas/minutes of these two forums or for information about upcoming meetings or workshops, please reach out to either -
Chaquan Nepia (Kaipaetahi Kaupapa Māori) for Te Kāhui Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana.
Corey Gaunt (Kaimahere Matua) for Te Ihu o te Waka o Te Arawa.