Ngā Miro - The strands of He Rauru

Western Bay of Plenty District Council is committed to strengthening partnerships with Tangata Whenua that enables Mana Motuhake through equity and shared decision-making on outcomes to benefit us all.  In 2023 Council adopted a number of strategic priorities including one that commits us to growing authentic Te Tiriti based relationships. He Rauru is designed to help us achieve that.

The three Miro (strands) of He Rauru provide the foundation upon which we work to achieve our goals, these Miro are –Te Miro Mā, Te Miro Whero, Te Miro Panga.

Our Miro:

Find out more about our Miro and find links to download guides for implementing the respective principles below.

Te Miro MāTe Miro WheroTe Miro Panga

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Te Miro Mā - Tangata

Hūtia te rito o te harakeke, kei hea te Kōmako e kō, whakatairangitia rere ki uta, rere ki tai, kī mai koe ki au, he aha te mea nui o tēnei ao? Māku e kī atu, He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata.

If you pluck out the centre shoot of the flax, from where will the bellbird sing, it will fly around aimlessly. If you ask me what is the most important thing in the world, I will say, it is people, people, people.

He Rauru will ensure that the things we do relating to people reflect our commitment to strengthening partnerships With Tangata Whenua, from procurement, to Human Resources, to the wellbeing of staff.

Download our guide to implementing the principles of Te Miro Mā – Tangata

Te Miro Whero – Tikanga

He waka eke noa – we move as one.

He Rauru will ensure that the things we do relating to policy/bylaw development, corporate planning, projects, service delivery and business practice and reflect our commitment to strengthening partnerships with Tangata Whenua.

Download our guide to implementing the principles of Te Miro Whero – Tikanga

Te Miro Pango – Mana

Ki te kāhore he whakakitenga, ka ngaro te iwi.

He Rauru will ensure that Tangata Whenua representation at all levels of Council reflects our commitment to strengthening partnerships with them.

Download our guide to implementing the principles of Te Miro Pango – Mana